I've written about this in The Mecha Genesis - except replace AI art with 'human augmentation and real AGI'... I agree that artist images should not be used in AI algorithms without their permission. That needs to change asap.
However the tidal wave of AI’s will be unstoppable and I've speculated in the Mecha Genesis that many of us will segregate ourselves from it, to our detriment as it will just continue to get better whereas our evolution will stagnate without it. It needs to be symbiotic. I am however talking about real AGI, not these algorithm based AI tools.
More importantly It's not the AI that is in the wrong here. It is its owners. There are humans behind these tools that are making huge profits. That animosity we are showing AI art is miss directed, It should be NO TO THE (insert company name here) - The AI has no choice, it's an algorithm after all, just a tool, it's not actually intelligent. The humans running the company's, making money by using others' art without permission, that's the real problem. People are paying to use these AI tools and that money is going into a few peoples pockets.
I'm all for AI, but the rules of engagement need to be set and that is the era we are living in, when the Laws governing the evolution of AI will be defined…. and that potentially will set the course for humanity’s evolution.